MBA Admissions Consultants - Waste of Money?

The value of using an admissions consultant is certainly debatable. One would think, especially considering MBA candidates, that someone applying to elite programs would bring to bear maturity and introspection to present themselves in a manner worthy of attention from admissions committees and ultimately a seat in a class of the esteemed institution of their choice. This can be true. However, this is a rare scenario. High achieving candidates of all stripes receive thin envelopes (or short emails) more often than they should.


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Business School Rankings – Not As Complicated as They Seem

 There are many services that provide rank business schools.  Business Week and the Wall Street Journal, US News are a few names among a host – each with their own methodology to provide them with a claim that they are best.  Some focus purely on salary improvement, some look at a broad mix of indicators, some poll recruiters.  It is quite interesting to see all the different approaches used to tackle the question.

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